Life is a Sport
We want to keep you in the game.
From elite athletes to weekend warriors, the rigors of training and participating in sports can cause muscles to be overused and injured.
Let's face it, the movements involved in your job and daily life aren’t likely to change any time soon. Soft tissue of the body that is forced to perform the same job over and over becomes irritated, and then inflamed.
The body responds to that inflammation by laying down scar tissue in an attempt to stabilize the area. This scar tissue, in turn, causes further inflammation and begins an ongoing cycle that worsens the condition.
The longer this condition persists, the harder it is to break the cycle.
Fix the injuries they create before it’s too late. By removing painful scar tissue and restoring full ranges of motion in your muscles, joints, tendons, and ligaments, Active Release Techniques keep you off the sidelines.
The longer this condition persists, the harder it is to break the cycle.
Fix the injuries they create before it’s too late. By removing painful scar tissue and restoring full ranges of motion in your muscles, joints, tendons, and ligaments, Active Release Techniques keep you off the sidelines.
Active Release Techniques: ART…Release your Pain! Using Active Release Techniques (A.R.T.) provide a way to diagnose and treat the cause of cumulative trauma disorders which often result in symptoms such as numbness, tingling, burning, aching, and stiffness. ART is a hands-on therapy that corrects muscular and soft tissue problems caused by the adhesion formations that occur with overuse or cumulative trauma.
Active Release Techniques® (ART®) is one of the most effective soft tissue treatment therapies available. More than 30 years ago, Dr. P. Michael Leahy combined his experience as a chiropractor and his knowledge of engineering, anatomy, and biomechanics to pioneer the ART® protocol for resolving soft tissue complaints. Unlike other soft tissue treatment options, ART® therapy utilizes muscle tension and soft tissue knowledge to address muscular adhesions and scar tissue that result in pain. As a result, ART® therapy works rapidly, often reducing pain by as much as 90% in four treatment sessions.
Today, ART® therapy is utilized by every NFL football team, nearly every Major League Baseball team, Olympic athletes, and Ironman Triathletes, in order to provide relief from soft tissue pain.
Today, ART® therapy is utilized by every NFL football team, nearly every Major League Baseball team, Olympic athletes, and Ironman Triathletes, in order to provide relief from soft tissue pain.
Chiropractic care can help you achieve a state of wellness by looking for internal disturbances or misalignments, called vertebral subluxations, that have the potential to trigger a host of chronic conditions, from headaches to carpal tunnel syndrome. When the chiropractor finds one, he or she will manipulate the body back into a position that allows it to function properly. These adjustments are typically made with the hands, although sometimes the chiropractor will use special tools.
Because your chiropractor is concerned with wellness rather than applying a temporary fix to aches or pains, he or she may also recommend stretching or strengthening exercises that you can continue to do at home to keep your body in working order.
Because your chiropractor is concerned with wellness rather than applying a temporary fix to aches or pains, he or she may also recommend stretching or strengthening exercises that you can continue to do at home to keep your body in working order.
Wellness is a state in which the entire body works as it is designed to do. This means that you’ll feel well, not only physically, but mentally and emotionally.